KeryFlex® Nail Restoration

KeryFlex® Nail Restoration is a painless, in-office application that restores the appearance of an individual’s natural nails. This system allows for a certified provider to remodel an individual’s damaged nails affected by fungus, defects or trauma. The composite resin creates a flexible, but durable, non-porous nail that allows the remaining natural nail to grow. The KeryFlex nail is an immediate cosmetic improvement providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents.

Please note that KeryFlex® is only currently available at our Wollongong clinic.

Please watch the video to learn more about KeryFlex®


Who can’t KeryFlex® be used on?

KeryFlex Nail Restoration should not be used on individuals with peripheral vascular disease, arterial insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy, suspicious pigmented lesions on the nail or in-grown toenails. It should be avoided in patients who are pregnant, nursing or known to be sensitive or allergic to any of its ingredients.

How long does it take to apply KeryFlex®?

On average, a foot care provider can complete the application of KeryFlex Bonding Agent, KeryFlex Resin, and KeryFlex Sealant, with UV light curing time included, in 15-30 minutes depending on the how many nails needs to be reconstructed.

After KeryFlex is applied, how soon must an individual return for another application?

The interval between applications will vary according to the individual, but in general, the time between applications is 6 to 8 weeks. Rarely, a KeryFlex nail may detach from the natural nail. This can occur with repeated trauma to the KeryFlex nail. For example, with long-distance running, when individual has a small natural nail segment or the nail edge has extended beyond the tip of the toe.

Can restoration be done on a toe with NO natural nail?

KeryFlex does not bind to skin, therefore, the presence of at least 15% of the natural nail is recommended.

How does a KeryFlex nail differ from an acrylic nail?

Acrylic nails are rigid and do not bend with the natural movement of the toes. As a result, acrylic nails applied to the toenails can cause damage to the layer of tissue under the nail (nail bed). Acrylic nails are also applied using strong acids which irritate the nail bed and can further damage the existing nail.

KeryFlex is flexible, yet durable, and designed specifically for the toes. It’s free of harsh acids used in salon systems. Keryflex is non-porous and will not allow moisture to permeate and get between the natural and prosthetic nails. KeryFlex’s medical grade resin is impregnated with the hydroxypyridone antifungal ingredient Piroctone.

Can nail polish be applied over a new KeryFlex nail?

A KeryFlex nail is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents. Nail polish may be applied immediately after the KeryFlex sealant is cured and the remaining dispersion film has been removed with alcohol.

Please ring and make an appointment where a qualified Podiatrist can discuss more about KeryFlex® including the costs and to see if you’re a suitable candidate before proceeding.